if you know me you know my faith is without
a doubt THE most important thing to me
what sort of got me into this crazy world of social media was a blog
my mom//sister//cousin all created for me
while I was on my mission!
I served in berlin germany PRE age change
(an OG dinosaur sister
as so many like to refer to us)
and while on my my mission during
my very first transfer in the field
the dear dear announcement was made that sisters could serve at 19!!
annnnnnnnd I said my very
first swear word in the field
haha leave it to me to wait till 21
and have it snap crackle and pop my
bubble right when I get out there
in hindsight there is no WAY I was prepared at
19 and absolutely went when I needed to
with this new age change came
sooo many questions from
friends // neighbors // family //
strangers about life as a sister missionary
when I went out the pamphlet provided
was THE furthest thing from helpful.
the photos they had as reference points for sister missionaries mimicked mrs. doubtfire and had 2/3 pages of tips//info
as opposed to pamphlets I saw
elders getting large BOOKLETS
so I typed up a quick list
and emailed it home of
"things I wish I would've known
before serving a mission"
and my mom copied and pasted it
onto my little family blog she ran for me
and honestly overnight that post went viral
and before I knew it
I was getting packages and letters from strangers from AROUND THE WORLD
who found my post and in some way it inspired them or helped them.
to this day I sort through emails every week
of new sisters who
upon deciding to serve have found my blog
and benefited in some way by it!
I am THE worst blogger
and do try to keep it up but
seeing the GOOD social media can
do really touched my heart.
I've loved being apart of conversions, baptisms, missionary call openings and hearing amazing stories from thousands of sisters.
a feeling that only a missionary can really describeits like no other!
and for that reason I am so thankful for this
little corner of the internet for allowing me to continue to do a work I am so passionate about.
for every post I do I get a big handful
of hate mail BUT an even bigger
outpouring of support and love.
I'll never stop sharing my beliefs
on every platform of social media I run!
business included.
because I believe once
you are called to the work
you are called to the work
link to the OG post:
what I wish I would've known part 1.
what I wish I would've known part 2.
what I wish I would've known part 3.